Wanna show off your victories over powerful Minecraft mobs? This add-on is perfect for decorating your world with the heads of mobs you've defeated, which can also serve as trophies to commemorate your triumphs. Now, every mob has a chance to drop its head upon defeat!
Except for vinalla heads includings wither skeleton, creeper, zombie, and skeleton, all other mob upon death has a chance to drop their head. There's a wooping 368 brand new heads to collect! Including all variants of mobs, such different sheep colors, different cat breed, etc. Note that each mob has different drop rate, you can search the rate with the table belows:
Click to show table
Entity | Drop Rate |
Allay | 20% |
Axolotl | 100% |
Armadillo | 30% |
Bat | 20% |
Bee | 20% |
Breeze | 10% |
Blaze | 0.5% |
Bogged | 1% |
Camel | 100% |
Cat | 33% |
Cave Spider | 0.5% |
Chicken | 1% |
Cod | 10% |
Cow | 1% |
Creaking | 10% |
Dolphin | 33% |
Donkey | 20% |
Drowned | 5% |
Elder Guardian | 100% |
Enderman | 0.5% |
Endermite | 10% |
Evoker | 25% |
Fox | 100% |
Frog | 100% |
Ghast | 6.25% |
Glow Squid | 5% |
Goat | 100% |
Guardian | 0.5% |
Hoglin | 3% |
Horse | 27% |
Husk | 6% |
Iron Golem | 5% |
Llama | 24% |
Magma Cube | 0.5% |
Mooshroom | 100% |
Mule | 20% |
Ocelot | 20% |
Panda | 27% |
Parrot | 25% |
Phantom | 10% |
Pig | 1% |
Piglin Brute | 1% |
Pillager | 2.5% |
Polar Bear | 20% |
Pufferfish | 15% |
Rabbit | 10% |
Ravager | 10% |
Salmon | 10% |
Sheep | 1.75% |
Shulker | 5% |
Silverfish | 10% |
Slime | 0.5% |
Sniffer | 80% |
Snow Golem | 5% |
Spider | 0.5% |
Squid | 5% |
Stray | 5% |
Strider | 10% |
Tadpole | 10% |
Trader Llama | 24% |
Tropicalfish | 10% |
Turtle | 10% |
Vex | 10% |
Villager | 50% |
Vindicator | 5% |
Wandering Trader | 50% |
Warden | 100% |
Witch | 5% |
Wolf | 10% |
Zoglin | 10% |
Zombie Villager | 50% |
Zombified Piglin | 5% |
Charged Creeper explosion will guarantee a 100% drop rate of all mob heads! This is a greate way to collect heads quickly.
The obtained heads can be placed on the ground, and can be rotated in 8 different directions. You can also place them on walls too! A great way to decorate your world with trophies of your victories.
One cool feature of this add-on is that you can wear the heads as a helmet! However, you cannot equip it by dragging it to your head slot, you will have to 'equip' the head by right-clicking on it in your hotbar.