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Project: Expression Perfection

Introducing Expression Perfection. This innovative addon brings emojis to the Minecraft world, revolutionizing communication and creativity. From smiles to tears, it offers a whole new way to express emotions as you build, mine, and explore. Get ready to enhance your in-game interactions with a plethora of emojis, adding a touch of fun and immersion to your Minecraft experience.
An image from the expression perfection project
To get started, you need to know the emoji namespace, you can search the namespace by using :emoji:number command! In this image, we do :emoji:1 to show the first 10 emoji! You can do :emoji:1 :emoji:2 :emoji:3 etc to see more emoji!
An image from the expression perfection project
Now, the emoji and their namespaces will appear in your chat dialog!
An image from the expression perfection project
Let's send a Hello message with the :smile: emoji, shall we?
An image from the expression perfection project
The final message will be just like this! A smile emoji!
An image from the expression perfection project
It also works on Sign too! If it's not working, please stare your cursor at sign! The game may take a while to load the new emoji
An image from the expression perfection project
An image from the expression perfection project
Using the anvil to rename the item with emoji will work too! Let's prepare some flower!
An image from the expression perfection project
It's lovely, isn't it?
WARNING: This Addon requires Beta APIs experimental to work properly!


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